Forum Expanded 2017: The Stars Down to Earth

Think Film No. 5: Archival Constellations – Symposium

"Think Film No. 5: Archival Constellations" takes place in compact fashion over one day at the silent green Kulturquartier in Wedding. Eight archive presentations, three archive visits and a performance are planned. What role does the location of an archive play, whether as a shelter, repository, production facility or sometimes even as a danger zone? Archives are movable entities; they can make new connections which bring them to life. The film archive of the INCA (Instituto Nacional de Cinema e Audiovisual) in Guinea Bissau thus also holds films from the former Soviet Union. Works from the Kiev School of Scientific Film ended up in a contemporary art context in similar fashion.

The archive visits lead into Amos Gitai’s exhibition at SAVVY Contemporary as well as into the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art film archive, where concert footage (including that of Einstürzende Neubauten, Malaria, Nick Cave) from 1980s West Berlin can be seen that stems from the !K7 archive. The day comes to a close with a special edition of the Rising Stars, Falling Stars series at which archivist and performer Ms. Vaginal Davis will be presenting a small 16mm excavation.