Shifting Shapes – Cinematic Transformations
7. Arsenal Summer School
Each year the Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art offers a Summer School. For three days participants engage with a topic located at the interface of theory and practice in cinema.
This year for the first time, the Summer School will also add a second location, the silent green Kulturquartier. This new, independent venue for art and culture is located on the grounds of a former crematorium, built more than 100 years ago. Starting in October 2015 the entire film collection of the Arsenal will be housed there – publicly available to anyone interested.
New locations change what is located there – and vice versa. Especially when it’s about films that come from the past to shape the present.
The topic “Shifting Shapes – Cinematic Transformations” will engage with such transformations over time and space, but also over larger structures and analogue and digital formats. Shape shifters are beings that are capable of changing their own external form. They do this quite on the own accord, but also in relation to the exterior world, for strategic purposes, as an expression of affect or from motives that remain hidden. The focus of the event is on a cinema of the past become present, and on film (and its locations) that are still in the process of emerging.
With contributions by Bettina Ellerkamp, Alex Gerbaulet, Milena Gregor, Jörg Heitmann, Birgit Kohler, Merle Kröger, Susanne Sachsse, Philip Scheffner, Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Tatjana Turanskyj.
The presentations will be held in German!
Contact: Nora Molitor or Angelika Ramlow | Organization summerschool(at)
More information you can find here.