LaborBerlin: Diffraktion
LaborBerlin e.V. presents the 6th edition of DIFFRAKTION, the annual showcase of new film works by its members and special guests. This year's DIFFRAKTION welcomes two guest programmers. Amanda Thomson will present END OF THE WORLD, a group of films comissioned by Vancouver-based Iris Film Collective, and Rizki Lazuardi brings us TROPICAL DECAY, a program of experimental films from the Indonesian collective Lab Laba-Laba. LaborBerlin e.V will show a programme of new films and film performances by members, all shot on film and projected in various formats ranging from slides, super 8, 16mm, 35mm to digital. The grand finale will be an expanded cinema performance, MUSIC FOR MOVING LAMPS, by Belgian artist Floris Vanhoof.
LaborBerlin is a nonprofit, independent film collective, open to individuals interested in analogue film. The event opens up the lab to a broader public interested in preserving artistic use of analogue film and supporting collective initiatives in a non-hierarchical and non-commercial manner.
On this very special occasion, LaborBerlin launches their new initiative, LABORBERLIN 2.0 - FILM AIN´T DEAD, a crowd-funding campaign to support the expansion of this independent film-lab as a commitment to the future of film and diversity in film-making practice. All proceeds from DIFFRAKTION will be donated to the new initiative.
Admission: 8 €