J.A.W x GoGo Penguin
There’s one thing that people from both sides of the British Channel agree on: the young trio GoGo Penguin is doing a lot of things differently from the competition – and everything right:
Gilles Peterson: »I think they're special... and the response has been amazing.«
The Guardian: »It's obvious why the Manchester clubs are jumping to this band.«
BBC Music: »Destined for great things.«
Jamie Cullum: »A beautiful mixture of cyclical piano sounds and motifs with great grooves.«
Since talking about music makes as much sense as dancing about architecture, it’s probably best to check it out and discover for yourself whether the hype about the three British penguins is justified, live and in living colour.
Having had their first concert in Berlin in May 2015, GoGo Penguin are now back at J.A.W – with their brand new album “Man Made Object”, which will be released by the renowned NY label Blue Note Records in February.
Admission: 8pm
Start: ca. 9pm