SAVVY Contemporary: FROM BANDUNG TO BERLIN. If all of the moons aligned
From Bandung to Berlin: If all of the moons aligned builds on the vocabularies of "political astronomy" by means of dis/connecting transnational narratives according to critical and geopolitical amplitudes during the Cold War. While revolving in the gravity of a multicenter world, From Bandung to Berlin: If all of the moons aligned pins down incongruent points of these alignments, complicating desires for solidarity and cohesion through artistic forms, processes and contemporary thought practices The exhibition is closely linked to a platform for knowledge accumulation.
Curated by Brigitta Isabella and Renan Laru-an
Participanting Artists: Irwan Ahmett and Tita Salina, Annika Eriksson, Theo Eshetu, Lyra Garcellano & W. Don Flores, Ladislava Gažiová, Ho Rui An, Ho Tzu Nyen, Hiwa K, Timoteus Anggawan Kusno, Eva Olthof, Karol Radziszewski/Queer Archives Institute, Cathleen Schuster and Marcel Dickhage, Sina Seifee, The Bureau of Melodramatic Research, Mi You, Virlani Rupini with Leon Tan
More information here.
Opening: September 23, 2016 | 7pm