Goldsmiths Berlin Summer School

Summer School: DIY Art Film and Performance

The Goldsmith Department of Art is pleased to announce a new summer school at silent green, dedicated to DIY filmmaking and performance. This transformative programme will explore a range of alternative artistic cultural productions, and their accompanying contexts, looking at the ways in which art film and performance can navigate between the boundaries of individual disciplines, interlinking these, and producing new, hybrid forms.

This intensive programme will provide you with an opportunity to engage with both the theoretical and practical aspects of DIY filmmaking and performance encompassed within the expanded field of visual arts; of investigating, copying, re-enacting, borrowing, practicing, reflecting and testing materials, ideas and methods; working individually and collectively; and obtaining immediate feedback and input on your experiments from course leaders and guest lecturers.

This is an ideal course for you if you’re a university graduate, or have studied at art, film, or theatre schools, as well as if you are an emerging and/or establishing film and art world professional.

Further information and regsitration