Soil – City – Solidarity: rooting instead of repressing


Urban green spaces, gardens as common property and new designs for the collective use of urban spaces face increasing repression, privatisation, speculation and a climate catastrophe. Many gardencommunities are repeatedly threatened by repression. Netzwerk Urbane Gärten Berlin supports the demand to secure the more than 100 public gardens by means of a permanent garden contract, similar to how more than 100 years ago the Grunewald was protected from speculation, development and "forest slaughter" by the "permanent forest contract".

City activists* and gardeners* describe concrete challenges in the current battle for city gardens and share their visions for the future of a city for all.

Marco Clausen - "Initiative Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberg: 99 Jahre als Gemeingut sichern!“
Alfred Decker - Mitbegründer von Permakultur Barcelona (Englisch)
Meryem Korun – himmelbeet sozial/ökologisches Gärtnern in Berlin-Wedding
Kerstin Meyer - "Initiative Prinzessinnengarten Kreuzberg: 99 Jahre als Gemeingut sichern!“ & 100% Tempelhofer Feld

in english
The event takes place at:
himmelbeet Gemeinschaftsgarten
Ruheplatzstraße 12
13347 Berlin  (U Leopoldplatz)
free entrance

Part of Stoffwechsel, Teil 1. Stoffwechsel is a project by Film Feld Forschung, organized within the framework of Archive außer sich, a project of Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art, part of a cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden and Pina Bausch Foundation, part of The New Alphabet, a HKW project, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media due to a ruling of the German Bundestag.