Joshua Radin *sold out*
Joshua Radin is 45 years old, comes from Ohio and has achieved what many in the music scene can only dream of: he is independent of labels and record companies. In the past ten years he has recorded and released a total of seven albums. The songs from these albums have been used in over 150 films and series. The sadly beautiful song Winter turned out to be one of the most concise songs on the soundtrack of the popular hospital series Scrubs - The Beginners and was decisive for his musical breakthrough. He himself invented a new genre term for his musical style: Whisper Rock. By this he understands American folk music with harmonic chords and positive, stirring melodies. His lyrics deal less with the abysses of mankind than with the magic of everyday life and how it can be reinterpreted and questioned within songs.
presented by Loft Concerts
Monday, January 27
Start: 7 p.m. / doors: 6 p.m.