RIAS Kammerchor


Lasciate mi morire - Let me die! - The hitherto unprecedented drasticness in the description of pain, especially that of the heart due to spurned expressions of love, and an exuberant joy in harmonic experimentation heralded the last heyday of the polyphonic madrigal in Italy towards the end of the 16th century. Claudio Monteverdi and Carlo Gesualdo, for example, composed climaxes that went to the limits of the tonal in order to express moods in all shades up to the extreme - revolutionary by the standards of the time. In the first Forum concert of this season, you can immerse yourself in the exciting music on the threshold of the Baroque.


Soprano: Viktoria Wilson
Mezzo-soprano: Susanne Langner
Alto: Waltraud Heinrich
Tenor: Kai Roterberg
Bass: Stefan Drexlmeier
Lute: Magnus Andersson
Dramaturgy: Alexander Schneider

Concert 1
Wednesday, October 27
Doors: 5 pm / Start: 6 pm

Concert 2 ­– SOLD OUT
Wednesday, October 27
Doors: 7 pm / Start: 8 pm