Sarah McCoy
Catch-up date of 05/12/2019 and replacement date of 06/22/20. All tickets already purchased remain valid.
"The stories of a survivor, full of disappointed hopes and lost friendships, performed with defiance and determination." – music journalist Brett Milano about Sarah McCoy's music
All songs of Sarah McCoy's major label debut Blood Siren are written by herself – and produced in collaboration with Chilly Gonzales and Renaud Letang. In sum the album is the result of a personal wandering and catharsis, that swings between blues, jazz, film noir pop and underworld cabaret, ensnaring the listener with beauty and quiet horror.
Sarah McCoy was born in Pine Plains, a village with only 2,500 inhabitants near New York. She spent most of her twenties as a singer and pianist in the clubs of New Orleans – a city full of traditions, myths, blows of fate and a lot of magic. And at the same time the perfect place for the drop-out life she chose in her early 20s. Now, at 33, she is turning her own twisted biography into musical poetry. And is at peace with the gloomy figure, she embodies on the cover of her album.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Doors: 7 pm / Concert: 8 pm