Found Futures
As part of the festival Archival Assembly #1
Fri 3.9., 10-12am
"Found Futures": A Series of presentations on precarious archival projects
In collaboration with Goethe-Institut
Found Futures I: Opening with project presentations and a presentation of the paper "Call for Action and Reflection– On Decolonising Film Archives"
With the authors, Arsenal, Goethe-Institut and Dox Box
Archival Assembly #1
September 1-8, 2021 at Arsenal Cinema, silent green Kulturquartier, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), SAVVY Contemporary, Sinema Transtopia
Archival Assembly #1 marks the conclusion of the five-year project „Archive außer sich“. From September 1 to 8 film archives and film archival projects will meet for a public exchange.
"Some of them hold to the idea of the national legacy (or genre, or historical time period), others are resistant to such ideas. Some of them are easily accessible as state archives or are closed off to the world, others have never made any inroads at all into the writing of film history. Archives and counter-archives: It seems as if neither can do without the other. But when film archives are seen, not as closed entities, but as the setting for negotiating a transnational practice, forming new alliances, perhaps the old idea of so-called 'world cinema' can shake off its power structure, allowing us to rethink both, the world and the cinema." (Stefanie Schulte Strathaus)
Four intertwined parts form the festival’s contours. At Kino Arsenal and in the HKW’s Westgarten there are daily film screenings, presentations of restorations and other projects, as well as podium discussions. The exhibition "How to find meaning in dead time" at SAVVY Contemporary, curated by Maha Maamoun and Ala Younis, and the two symposia, "After the Archive" (in collaboration with the Goethe-University in Frankfurt) in the Kuppelhalle at silent green and "The Right to a Public II" at the Filmhaus, complete the program. In addition, every morning in the Kuppelhalle at silent green and in Sinema Transtopia there will be presentations on precarious archival projects under the title "Found Futures", organized in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, with the goal of networking and mutual support. This will also be the context for a discussion of the collectively produced paper “Call for Action and Reflection on Decolonising Film Archives.”
You can find an overview of the programme here: https://www.arsenal-berlin.de/en/living-archive/news/single/article/8615/3082.html
Friday, September 3, 2021