Max Prosa
Nachholtermin für ausgefallenes Konzert vom 21.10.2020, bzw. 24.05.2021
Music history is full of artists who see their music as a perpetual quest, who already want to set off for new shores as soon as their ship docks with a scraping on sand. And pop music history is just as rich in companies and managers who outwardly approve of this endeavour, but actually much prefer their protégés to settle on land that has already been successfully conquered. In a safe haven, so to speak.
Max Prosa has just returned from one of these supposedly safe havens. With the albums Die Phantasie wird siegen and Rangoon, he had successfully sailed off on two self-built boats in the years before; however, he could not quite make friends with the galley of the record company. So it's no wonder that on Mit anderen Augen he wants to see the world in a new way, set sail again with his own hands and set sail with an even bigger telescope. To do this, he needs neither a shipping company nor the shipping of businessmen.
Accordingly, navigating, the search for a truth and new perspectives runs as a theme through many of the new songs. Max Prosa contemplates the night sky, sings about his own spaceship, the bottom of the ocean or a spark of higher happiness that he wants to find (Die Suche). And in doing so, he sounds relaxed, liberated, equipped with fresh curiosity in a circle of companions, instruments and song structures that seem to have been created for him (and by him).
Tuesday, April 26
Doors: 7 pm / Begin: 8 pm