Ensemblekollektiv Berlin
Ultraschall Berlin – Festival für neue Musik
Stefans Prins
inhabit_inhibit (2019-2020) 50‘
for six soloists augmented by feedback, four acoustic quartets and live electronics
German premiere
Ensemblekollektiv Berlin
direction: Max Murray
inhabit_inhibit is an immersive, spatially designed composition for four mixed quartets, feedback amplified instruments and live electronics. The conceptual and sonic dimensions of inhabit_inhibit are highly supported by the phenomenon of feedback, also known as the run-away effect. Besides four unamplified mixed quartets placed around the audience, inhabit_inhibit uses six instruments that can generate feedback through the interaction between a loudspeaker placed next to them and a microphone connected to them: four woodwind instruments (bass flute, bass oboe, bass clarinet & baritone saxophone), piano and harp. (Stefan Prins)
Saturday, January 21
Start: 7 pm
Tickets at the box office and online