Right of public Access IV: The Foundation stone for a Libaray of Images
Was anderes machen (The Home and the Movie)
Part 1: From programme assets to the library model, 11 am–1 pm
A lot of work is currently being done in the background on the future of digital public broadcasting in Germany: What are the key tasks - information, entertainment, local reporting? How can new structures and distribution models be created? What could a uniform digital programme of the “public broadcasters” look like? Often left out are the enormous archives of the radio stations. How can this common cultural heritage and these"programme assets", financed by the mandatory broadcasting contributions for all citizens, companies, institutions and public welfare organisations in Germany, be made accessible to everyone in the future? Viable models need to be found that, based on a royalty model - similar to that for books - do not undermine copyright law, but aim to provide non-commercial educational opportunities for the broad spectrum of society.
11 am Keynote with Bart van der Linden (Editor-In-Chief, Sound & Vision Museum, NL)
11:30 am–1 pm Discussion with Klaudia Wick (Head of Television and Library, Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek ), Rabea Limbach (Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv) and Bart van der Linden
Moderation: Vivien Buchhorn & Merle Kröger
Part 2: World (cinema) cultural heritage: the transnational archive of Das kleine Fernsehspiel , 2 pm – 4 pm
With more than 1,500 co-productions spanning six decades, the archive of Das kleine Fernsehspiel is a cultural heritage comprising major film works from Germany and the world. As a model project of public assets, this archive should become a living archive in the future, accessible for research and academia, for restorative and curatorial projects and for film education. For this, cooperation between different institutions and a common financial and structural vision are essential. Such a pilot project could lay the foundational stone for a prospective library of images.
Discussion with: Burkhard Althoff (Editor in chief of ZDF – Das kleine Fernsehspiel), Prof. Alexandra Schneider (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), Stefanie Schulte Strathaus (Artistic Director Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art), Vivien Buchhorn (Curator of Shahid Saless Archives)
Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merle Kröger
Sunday, November 26.
11 am–4pm
TV Studio Betonhalle
Registration here