Creative Europe Showcase
Start a youth orchestra as a peace project in the Balkans and create a film festival in the Minecraft universe? Or research DNA strands artistically and test the circular economy for theatre productions in five countries? The ideas of the European cultural sector and creative industries are boundless and innovative. We show what becomes of ideas when they are realised at European level.
Creative Europe is the EU funding programme for the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors. We will be presenting eight innovative projects that have been funded by Creative Europe and will then enter into dialogue with all participants: What are the new requirements and expectations at European level? Exchange ideas with experienced applicants and discuss the future of EU cultural funding with us.
13:30 Registration and entry
14:00 Start
14:15 Greenstage – How can the circular economy become a reality in the theatre? (ger)
Christiana van Osenbrüggen | Theater Oberhausen
Making new film talent accessible. Have you ever been to T-Port? (ger)
Amos Geva | T-Port
Musicians on a peace mission in the Balkans (ger)
Desar Sulejmani | Western Balkan Youth Orchestra
Daring more diversity in the European book sector! (ger)
Petya Lund | eta Verlag
Artist booking platform (ger)
Marcus Fitzgerald | Gigmit
Sub_Bar. Building a musical ecosystem for deaf and hearing communities. (eng)
Francesco Spaggiari | Eufonia
15:45 Sub_Bar Live. A playground for sub frequencies and haptic art. (ger)
Musik Performance
16:15 Pause
16:45 myMetaStories (ger)
Daphne Kapfer | Unifrance
FUNKEN Academy or: what do DNA strands and fungal cultures have to do with art?
Robert Verch | solitaer e.V.
17:15 EU cultural funding: what is good - what could be better? (ger)
Panel and fishbowl discussion with
– Barbara Gessler | European Commission Representation in Germany
– Matthijs Wouter Knol | European Film Academy (EFA)
– Julia Pagel | Network of European Museum Organsiations (NEMO)
– And you! Bring your ideas to the table and join in the discussion.
18:30 Conclusion and networking
20:00 End
Moderation: Sarah Langnese
Most of the event will be held in German. Individual presentations will be held in English and will not be translated into German spoken language. A translation into German sign language of all content is guaranteed.
Registration is free of charge and possible here until 23 September 2024.
The Creative Europe Showcase is a joint event organised by the Creative Europe Desk MEDIA Berlin-Brandenburg and the Creative Europe Desk KULTUR.
Wednesday, 2 October
Start: 1:30 pm
Free admission with registration