Philo.live! Das Philosophie-Festival in Berlin
On June 29 2024, the new Berlin festival of thought Philo.live! première. This year's key question is: "What does freedom mean here?" At the centre is a controversial term that is currently undergoing readjustment: Is individual freedom an obsolete model? What does freedom mean in times of new geopolitical challenges? Is climate change forcing us to think about freedom in terms of time? And how does self-determined sex work? Discussing on the stage: Peter Sloterdijk, Thea Dorn, Kim de l'Horizon, Eva von Redecker, Donatella di Cesare, Herfried Münkler, Wolfram Eilenberger and many others.
Philo.live! is a joint project of Philosophie Magazin and phil.COLOGNE and will take place annually from now on.
The festival is supported by dm-drogerie markt, the Giordano Bruno Foundation, the Udo Keller Foundation Forum Humanum and the C.H.Beck Cultural Foundation as well as by the media partners radioeins (rbb), radio3 (rbb) and the Tagesspiegel.
Saturday, June 29
Kuppelhalle + Betonhalle
12 to 10 pm