24th international literature festival berlin | Day 2

The 24th international literature festival berlin (ilb) will bring together 150 authors from over 50 countries for book premieres, readings, workshops, and panel discussions in Berlin. The ilb offers literature enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to gain curated insights into the fascinating world of international literature. From September 16 to 18, the festival's Young Program will be hosted at silent green.

For more information about the international literature festival berlin


Tuesday, 17.09.

9.30 am
Joke van Leeuwen: Ik ben hier!

With playful illustrations and clever wordplay, Ik ben hier! tells the story of the brave and inventive Jona, who suddenly finds herself alone in her flooded and deserted city after an afternoon nap. Reading with Dutch author Joke van Leeuwen.

Recommended for grades 3–5
Tickets and further information

9.30 am
Marie Dorléans: Herbes folles & Nous avons rendez-vous
What happens when a garden suddenly no longer feels like being meticulously trimmed? What does it look like when a house closes its eyes? Can the moon take a bath? Reading and picture book cinema with French author and illustrator Marie Dorléans.

Recommended for grades 1–3
Tickets and further information

11.30 am
Mette Vedsø: Happy Happy

Through a strange twist of fate, Mikkel comes into possession of an expensive golf bag, setting off a bizarre chain of events. This humorous young adult novel explores themes of self-determination and social inequality, written and presented by Danish author Mette Vedsø.

Recommended for grades 7–9
Tickets and further information

11.30 am
Kat Leyh: Snapdragon

Über die alte Jacks geht das Gerücht rum, sie sei eine Hexe. Snap weiß, dass das nicht stimmt … oder? Mit viel Tempo, Witz und Herz erzählt der vielschichtige Comic von Außenseitertum, Selbstentdeckung und wahrer Freundschaft. Lesung, Comic-Kino und Live-Illustration mit der US-amerikanischen Autorin und Zeichnerin Kat Leyh.

Recommended for grades 6–8
Tickets und weitere Informationen


Monday, 16. –  Wednesday, 18. September
Kuppelhalle, Betonhalle
Tickets & Programme