reCampaign 24: Conference for Progressive Alliances

The reCampaign conference is celebrating its comeback in September 2024.

Around 300 people from civil society are invited to Berlin on 20 and 21.9.24 to participate in the progressive turnaround. To this end, Wigwam and the Open Society Initiative are bringing back the reCampaign conference under the motto “Progressive Alliances”, together with committed organizations: Greenpeace, Amnesty International, Campact, NABU, Ecosia, Oxfam, Wikimedia,, more onion and openPetition.

How does TikTok for civic engagement (really) work and what does inclusive activism need? How do we sue for change before the Federal Constitutional Court and can we simply reprogram right-wing bots for good? And what does it take to leave with new, progressive alliances after two days of intensive discussions?

The programme will bring together the most exciting minds in German civil society: Christiana Bukalo, Marcel Fratzscher, Fabian Grischkat, Magdalena Hess, Prof. Dr. Remo Klinger, Raul Krauthausen, Dr. Hedda Ofoole Knoll, Maximilian Oehl, Dieter Rucht, Daniela Sepehri, Lakshmi Thevasagayam, Julius van de Laar, just to name a few.

In workshops, laboratories and town halls, actors from NGOs and agencies, action groups and political practice will inspire and test each other, but also argue and then come up with progressive solutions.


Freitag 20. – Samstag, 21. September