Female To Empower 2019

Female composers, DJs and producers are and have always been part of the musical present. Nevertheless, they are hardly mentioned in the big, male-dominated narratives of music history. The concert and film series Female to Empower therefore wants to tell the little-heard small and big stories of music from an exclusively female perspective.

To this end, Female to Empower combines music documentaries with live concerts to not only provide a historical-documentary retrospective, but also a contemporary look at the musical work of women* in popular music. The series delves into the biographies and working worlds of female musical pioneers, who are not only intended to serve as role models, but also to show perspectives and strategies.


Programme 2019

Thursday, August 8

19.30, Film
Grandma Lo-Fi: The Basement Tapes Of Sigridur Nielsdottir
(R: Kristin Björk Kristjánsdóttir, Orri Jónsson, Iceland/Denmark 2011, 62 Min.)

21.00, Concert

Friday, August 9

19.30, video workshow
Monika Enterprise

20.30, Concert
Monika Werkstatt live
with Gudrun Gut, Barbara Morgenstern, Pilocka Krach, Lucrecia  Dalt

Saturday, August 10

19.00, Panel
"Die Musikjournalistin: Die, die drüber steht."

20.00, Concert
Lena Stoehrfaktor
Maike Rosa Vogel

21.15, Film
Play Your Gender
(R: Stephanie Clattenburg, Can 2016, 80 Min.)


A project by silent green Film Feld Forschung gGmbh.
Funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH.