Celebrated, Forgotten, Rediscovered: Irmgard Keun
Lesung I internationales literaturfestival berlin
In the late years of the Weimar Republic, Irmgard Keun rose to fame with the novels »Das kunstseidene Mädchen« [engl.: »The Artificial Silk Girl«] and »Gilgi – eine von uns« [engl.: Gilgi, One of Us«]. Dubbed by the Nazis as an »asphalt literary with anti-German tendencies«, she went into exile but returned to her home with forged papers in 1940. Relying on previously unknown letters of the time, Michael Bienert, author of »Das kunstseidene Berlin« [2020] and Matthias Weichelt, editor-in-chief of the literary magazine »Sinn und Form«, provide insights into the life of the author. The actress Fritzi Haberlandt – most recently seen in »Babylon Berlin« in fictional locations in Berlin in the 1930s – reads from Irmgard Keun’s work
The event will be held in German.
Speak, Memory
Speaker Fritzi Haberlandt
Price 10 Euros / reduced 6