Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles – fully booked! –
silent green presents
On the occasion of International Women's Day, we are showing Chantal Akerman's feminist masterpiece about the monotonous everyday life of a widowed woman in Bruxelles, which one day takes a dramatic turn.
A woman – Jeanne Dielman (Delphine Seyrig), an apartment, three days. The camera stubbornly observes Dielman in long fixed takes as she carries out her daily routines in what seems like a self-contained world – she clears up, makes the beds, dusts, washes up, and cooks. In the afternoon, she receives older gentlemen - even her casual prostitution has a set place in the precise way her day unfolds. On the second day, at first barely noticeably, the rigid time and spatial structures are shattered, and on the third the inevitable escalation takes place. A quiet, lonely Kammerspiel whose choreography of gestures, movements and rituals bears radical witness to emotional stultification.
A film by Chantal Akermann, BE, 1975, 202’
French OV with German subtitles
Introduction by Nathalie David
The British film magazine Sight & Sound voted Jeanne Dielman the best film of all time in December 2022. Every ten years, the film magazine asks film critics from all over the world which work they consider to be the best film of all time. For the coming decade, more than 16,000 critics have voted the masterpiece of Chantal Akerman, who died in 2015, into the top spot. This is the first time a woman's film has held this title.
Chantal Akerman (*6.6.1950 in Brüssel, †5.10.2015 in Paris) made her first short film, Saute ma ville (1968), at the age of seventeen. That same year, she dropped out of the INSAS film school in Brussels, and a year later dropped out of the theater studies program at the Université Internationale du Théâtre in Paris. She has made numerous feature and documentary films, as well as creating a series of art installations and writing three books (Hall de nuit, 1992; Un divan à New York, 1996; Une famille à Bruxelles, 1998). Her film installation From the Other Side was presented at the documenta 11 in 2002.
Nathalie David is a filmmaker, draughtswoman and photographer. She sees the documentary gaze as a genre and as a specific art process. In 2009 she founded PITCHOUNPRODUCTION and has since created numerous films under this label. Since 2003, she has been commissioned by museums to make artistic rather than documentary films about artists or collectors. Since 2011 she has been giving guided tours in German and French at the Hamburger Kunsthalle. Nathalie David was born in France. She lives in Hamburg and Berlin.
Wednesday, March 8
Start: 7 pm
Free admission / The screening is currently fully booked. Remaining seats will be available from 7 pm (no guarantee).
A project by silent green Kulturproduktionen