aurora edition: Primitive Art + Tukico + Tim Novikov (AV)

silent green presents

aurora edition is a vanguard series of ambient, drone, atmospheric and experimental live concerts. Held in carefully chosen selected institutions, venues and off-spaces. The audience immerses themselves in cathedralic spaces, indulging in the splendor of immersive sounds complemented by a tailor made audio-reactive visuals and a unique light concept. Each live show features a tailored audio/visuals, projected onto cathedral domes and walls, inviting the audience to luxuriate in enchanting sounds while lounging in the space. With a promise of seamlessly blending music and visuals, Aurora collaborates with multiple powerful artists for each edition, creating impressive atmospheres that perfectly complement rare architectural settings.

The evening at silent green features the experimental band Primitive Art, Tukico (Hoshiko Yamane) the versatile Japanese violinist, composer and electronic musician and the audiovisual artist Tim Novikov (AV) with customised dome projections.

Primitive Art
Primitve Art is an experimental music band formed in Milan in 2011 by Matteo Pit and Jim C. Nedd. Established as a live performance project the duo debuted in 2013 with the studio work Problems, an album in which they presented for the first time a mixture of musical elements which places them outside genres. A sound where hypnotic rhythms, melancholic melodies, verses and words collide with each other creating strange soundscapes. In 2018 they released the EP Crab Suite on Arcola, the historic sub-label of Warp Records and in June 2019 they participated in the celebration of the thirty year anniversary of Warp Records with a mix of live recordings collected between 2018 and 2019. In 2020 Primitive Art debuted with the show Shelter Chapter 1 in Milan at Triennale Museum, including different expressive languages such as performance and visual arts. In 2023 the band released on Hundebiss Records, Extract 1, a track specially designed to be experienced as a cinema pour l'oreille piece.

Tukico (Hoshiko Yamane)
Hoshiko Yamane is a versatile Japanese violinist, composer, and electronic musician based in Berlin. Trained in classical violin, she collaborates with artists across genres ranging from contemporary classical to experimental electronic music. Her solo works blend acoustic and electronic sounds, blurring the boundaries between traditional and avant-garde music. Yamane has also established herself as a solo artist and a member of Tangerine Dream. With her electronic project Tukico, she released her debut EP Become in early 2020 followed by her first full album Primitive later that summer, showcasing her fusion of classical and electronic elements. Tukico’s live performances offer a mesmerising experience, featuring hypnotic improvisations using loop pedals, a Moog synthesizer, and her five-string electric viola.

Tim Novikov (AV)
Born in Uzbekistan and educated as an architect, Tim Novikov's practice finds him working at the nexus between conceptual development, artistic research, A/V-tech directing, and engaging within open-source ecosystems. Recently he’s been actively involved in the development of gamified interfaces within web3 and blockchain spheres. He’s developed and presented a/v projects in MONOM 4D Studio, VR installations at Art Basel in Miami and Basel (2021), Printworks London, Julia Stoschek Collection’s Worldbuilding exhibition (2022)


Saturday, June 22
Doors 7 pm / Start 8 pm