24th international literature festival berlin | Day 1
The 24th international literature festival berlin (ilb) will bring together 150 authors from over 50 countries for book premieres, readings, workshops, and panel discussions in Berlin. The ilb offers literature enthusiasts an exceptional opportunity to gain curated insights into the fascinating world of international literature. From September 16 to 18, the festival's Young Program will be hosted at silent green.
For more information about the international literature festival berlin
Monday, 16.9.
9.30 am
Chang Yu-Jan: 春神跳舞的森林
Spring just won't arrive on Alishan, a legendary mountain in Taiwan, and the animals in the forest are losing hope. Can Adi save them? Reading, picture book cinema, and live illustration with Taiwanese illustrator Chang Yu-Ja.
Recommended for grades 1–3
Tickets and further information
9.30 am
David A. Robertson: On the Trapline
A boy and his grandfather, Moshom, visit the place where Moshom grew up. Through a minimalist, velvety-soft style, the images and text tell the story of the culture and traditions of the indigenous Cree. Reading and picture book cinema with Canadian author David A. Robertson.
Recommended for grades 1–3
Tickets and further information
11.30 am
Sara Lundberg: Fågeln i mig flyger vart den vill
Berta dreams of a life as an artist, but her father insists that she work on the family farm. The virtuosically illustrated picture book is inspired by paintings and letters of Swedish painter Berta Hansson. Written, illustrated, and presented by Swedish artist Sara Lundberg.
Recommended for grades 4–6
Tickets and further information
Monday, 16. – Wednesday, 18. September
Kuppelhalle, Betonhalle
Tickets & Programme