Was anderes machen (The Home and the Movie)
A Festival celebrating 60 years of Das kleine Fernsehspiel
"We are making a cinema that no longer exists and a television that does not yet exist" (J.L. Godard). This is how the head of the editorial department Eckart Stein described the vision of the ZDF editorial department Das kleine Fernsehspiel, newly founded in 1963. Conceived as a television workshop and development laboratory, a platform was created for the international new generation of auteur cinema. Elementary questions of our present about diversity, equality and decolonisation have been dealt with in this broadcasting slot since its beginnings, as have cinematographic experiments and film language positions that pointed far into the future. The freedom in genre and length, the curiosity about cinematic narratives beyond commercial cinema makes the archive of Das kleine Fernsehspiel a treasure trove for film studies research: Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Alexander Kluge, Helke Sanders and Ulrike Ottinger, Sohrab Shahid Saless and Raoul Peck, Derek Jarman and John Akomfrah, the filmmakers of the Berlin School and German-Turkish cinema to currently important directors such as Maryam Zaree, Mo Asumang and Burhan Qurbani are just a few of the early works that can be found here.
The exhibition and the event programme Was anderes machen (The Home and the Movie) at silent green takes this TV archive as the starting point for a historical retrospective, a description of the state and a question about the future of young auteur film. In the process, television and film culture heritage are thought together for the first time.
A Film Series (June–December 2023, Kino Arsenal) and a Festival (November 16–26, silent green) with symposium, exhibition, performance, cinema on Demand and research stations will create a walk-in archive of independent world cinema. As part of an editorial pop-up, members of the editorial team of Das kleine Fernsehspiel will be available for talks during the festival period, introduce the work of the editorial team and present various aspects and focal points of the programme.
The 2-day symposium Situated Histories: Das kleine Fernsehspiel in the World will explore the multifaceted role of German television funding in the development of networks and infrastructures of filmmaking in selected international contexts. It will take selected films from the history of the small television play as well as related models of public television film production such as Channel Four, BBC or ARTE as a starting point for a discussion of transnational perspectives on film production, distribution and presentation.
Accompanying the exhibition and symposium, there will be film screenings with talks in our temporary TV Studio in the Betonhalle, with guests including Nora Fingscheidt, Massoud Bakhshi, Jorge Bodanzky, Merzak Allouache, Omah Diegu and Edna Politi. There will also be a panel on the editorial history of the Kleines Fernsehspiel and one on models for making broadcast archives publicly accessible, as well as the performance CHEAP & XIU XIU TV LIVE by the CHEAP Art Collective.
Was anderes machen (The Home and the Movie) is a project of silent green Film Feld Forschung gGmbH in cooperation with the Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art and Film Studies/Media Dramaturgy at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. With the kind support of the ZDF editorial department Das Kleine Fernsehspiel. Supported by the Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin. Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
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Festival Was anderes machen (The Home and the Movie)
16.– 26. November
Admission to the entire festival is free
Please register for the events in advance: Registration here
See the full festival booklet and download PDF here
09.06. Towards A Library Of Images: Thinking TV Archives Public I Panel as part of the symposium Archival Assembly #2 I Guests: Dr. Thomas Schärer, Burkhard Althoff , Tabea Rößner I silent green Kuppelhalle
16.–26.11. Exhibition I Betonhalle I Opening I 16.11., 7 pm / Doors: 6.30pm I Timetable film screenings
17.11. Talk / Discussion: Was anderes machen: Fernsehen der Zukunft, Kathrin Brinkmann I Guests: Burkhard Althoff, Claudia Tronnier, Kathrin Brinkmann; Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merlin Kröger I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
18. + 19.11. Symposium: Situated Histories: Das kleine Fernsehspiel in the World I Betonhalle
18.–26.11. Cinema on Demand I Studiokino Betonhalle I Please register for the Cinema on Demand time slots.
18.11. Screenings & Film talks: To Show Or Not To Show (Jana Keuchel, Katharina Knust, 2023) I Guests: Jana Keuchel, Katharina Knust, Mehmet Akif Büyükatalay, Maya Constantin, Angelika Levi, Jutta Brückner & Sarah Blaßkiewitz I 8 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
19.11. Screenings & Film talks: System Crasher (Nora Fingscheidt, 2019) I Guests: Nora Fingscheidt, Timo Grampes, David Zimmermann, Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merle Kröger I 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
20.–24.11. Open Doors: Das kleine Fernsehspiel I 10 am–12 pm (without registration) I Atelier 4/5
20.11. Workshop discussion: How to DKF (Das kleine Fernsehspiel) 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
20.11. Screenings & Film talks: Iracema (Jorge Bodanzky,1975) I Guest: Jorge Bodanzky, Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merle Kröger I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
21.11. Workshop discussion: International Feature Film Co-Productions at the DKF (Das kleine Fernsehspiel) I 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
21.11. Screening: Anou Banou: Daughters of Utopia (Edna Politi, 1983) I Unfortunately, the announced meeting had to be cancelled. There will be a rescheduled date, which will be communicated as soon as possible. I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
22.11. Workshop discussion: The essayistic-experimental documentary film in DKF (Das kleine Fernsehspiel) I 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
22.11. Screening: Bab El Oued City (Merzak Allouache, 1994) I Unfortunately, the announced discussion had to be cancelled I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
23.11. Workshop discussion: DKF (Das kleine Fernsehspiel) as a laboratory for technical and narrative innovation I 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
23.11. Screenings & Film talks: Yalda (Massoud Bakshi, 2022) I Guest: Massoud Bakhshi, Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merle Kröger I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
24.11. Workshop discussion: DKF (Das kleine Fernsehspiel) and serial storytelling I 4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
24.11. Screenings & Film talks: The Snake in my Bed (Omah Diegu, 1992) I Guest: Omah Diegu, Moderation: Bettina Ellerkamp & Merle Kröger I 7 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
25.11. Performance: CHEAP & XIU XIU TV LIVE I 8 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle I – fully booked! –
26.11. Panel Right of public Access IV: The Foundation stone for a Libaray of Images I Part 1 From programme assets to the library model I 11 am–1 pm I Part 2 World (cinema) cultural heritage: the transnational archive of Das kleine Fernsehspiel I 2 pm–4 pm, TV Studio Betonhalle
Film series
15.06. Film screening with talk: IQA' AL-HAYA (Rhythm of Life), Atteyat El Abnoudy, 1988, 58’ I Guests: Tamer El Said (Cimatheque Cairo) u.a. I Kino Arsenal
24.07. Film screening with talk: Ashes and Embers, Haile Gerima, USA 1982, 129’ I Introduction: Greg De Cuir Jr. I Kino Arsenal
31.08. Film screening with talk: News from Home, Chantal Akerman, FR/BE/BRD1976, 85’ I Introduction: Birgit Kohler I Kino Arsenal
28.09. Film screening with talk: Madonnen, Maria Speth, DE/BE/CH 2007, 125’ I In the presence of Maria Speth I Kino Arsenal
19.10. Film screening with talk: My Brother’s Wedding, Charles Burnett, USA 1983, 115’ I Introduction: Lukas Foerster I Kino Arsenal
30.11. Filmscreening with talk: Empfänger unbekannt, Sohrab Shahid Saless, BRD 1983, 86’ I Introduction: Vivien Buchhorn I Kino Arsenal
07.12. Filmscreening with talk: Winter adé, Helke Misselwitz, DDR 1988, 117’ I In Anwesenheit von Helke Misselwitz I Kino Arsenal